To see Anarky Productions footage featured on National Geographic … click HERE
Press for "The Hall of Giants"
“A fascinating look at the evolution of the Fremont neighborhood.”
“The documentary takes you on a journey to the past… memories that would have never been known otherwise. Michael Falcone did an amazing job showing a community formed by art and how art really made a neighborhood stronger.”
To hear my interview with Dave Ross of KIRO FM and see pictures of the film's premier at SIFF Cinema, click
To hear Rachel Bell of KIRO FM interview the film's director and the creator of the Troll itself, click the slideshow link
Films cost money, and with an average price of $50 per entry fee, submitting to film festivals can add up fast. Please help films like Kidd's Toys (see Short Films page) and The Hall of Giants get a fair chance to compete in film circuits and reach larger audiences. All proceeds go directly to film festival entry fees, and every bit counts - and it is greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping keep independent films alive.
Anarky Productions is proud to receive official
Festival Accreditation for the 70th Cannes Film Festival (see the About page for more info).

To see my interview at the Nice International Film Festival, see the Films To Buy, Trailers to Watch page for more info (The Hall of Giants was awarded Best Cinematography).